Republicans are becoming increasingly radicalized. Why?

We’re seeing Republicans in every corner of the country becoming increasingly radicalized. More and more representatives up and down the ballot come from the far-right. And formerly moderate representatives are moving right, parroting Fox News talking points on the campaign trail.

This is no accident. It is a product of a long-term push by the far-right media and donors. Right now there is no major centralized democratic organization that is fighting back.

When extremist republicans cruise to victory, moderate congresspeople move to the right to avoid primary challenges. And the media oxygen becomes dominated by their far-right narrative. That means that they are driving the bus, not Democrats.


We move the needle to beat far-right extremist Republicans in their elections.


We’ll build democratic power and show moderate Republicans that there is a political cost of moving to the far-right.

This is not just about winning elections.

It is about showing republicans that there is a political cost to hate and bigotry. The only way that we can make sure that we eliminate the far-right in our political system is by making far-right candidates unelectable. That starts by beating their most visible candidates in their home districts. It ends by consistently beating the far-right up and down the ballot.

If we can do this, we will fundamentally reshape the landscape of American politics.

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We are 100% powered by grassroots donors like you. Will you chip in $5, $25, or any amount you can spare so we can beat extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene?